Based on Article 13 of the Law on Tourism and Hospitality (Official Gazette of Montenegro 002/18, 004/18, 013/18, 025/19, 067/19 and 076/20) and Statute of the Tourist Agency “Gold Travel” d.o.o. Podgorica (hereinafter referred to as “Organizer”), Executive Director of the Agency, on May 27, 2022, issued:
The provisions of General Travel Conditions form an integral part of the travel contract concluded between the traveller and Travel Agency “Gold Travel” d.o.o. Podgorica, as the organizer of the trip, except for the provisions that are defined differently in the written contract or the Travel Program. Hence, we kindly ask you to read the content of them in detail.
By signing the standard Travel contract (hereinafter: the Contract), the Traveller confirms by their signature to have received the General Travel Conditions (hereinafter: the General Conditions) and the pre-prepared and published Travel Program (hereinafter: the Program), and that, like all travellers from the Contract, they are familiar with them and fully accepts them, as well as being familiar with the optional travel and health insurance possibilities.
Provisions of General Conditions form an integral part of the Contract between the Traveller and the Travel Agency “Gold Travel” d.o.o. Podgorica, as the organizer of the trip (hereinafter: the Organizer) and they are binding for both contracting parties, except for provisions defined in a separate written contract or Program.
Any person under the age of 18 is considered a minor.
Minors must always be accompanied by an adult. One adult can be accompanied by up to three minors.
All reservations with minors are subject to review and approval by the Organizer.
If the consent of a parent, guardian or any other person is required for the travel of a minor according to the current law, the accompanying adult is responsible for obtaining all necessary consents, documents and insurance that the adult and the minor meet all legal requirements to travel.
The Organizer shall not be liable for any compensation, damages or losses incurred as a result of any such failure to obtain the necessary consents, permits and approvals.
The Organizer does not provide care services for minors and explicitly disclaims any responsibility for accompanying or controlling minors.
The Traveller can apply for a trip organized by the Organizer:
The application becomes valid when it is confirmed by the Organizer, with the obligatory conclusion of a written Contract (confirmation) about the travel.
By signing the Contract, the Traveller confirms that they have received General Travel Conditions and Travel Program, as well as the insurance conditions, which form an integral part of the Contract, and that they have previously read them (as well as the persons indicated in the Contract), and agreed with them by concluding the Contract.
The Organizer is obliged, before concluding the Contract, to inform the Traveller about any change of data from the Program, in oral or written form, or on a permanent medium that is easily accessible to the Traveller.
If the Traveller has booked a trip by means of remote communication, the Organizer is obliged to inform them of possible changes in the way the reservation was made, after which the Traveller can, within 7 days of receiving the notification, accept the new offer or inform the Organizer that they do not accept it and cancel the reservation.
When registering, the Traveller is obliged to pay a mandatory advance payment in the amount of 50% of the price of the arrangement, unless otherwise agreed. The rest of the agreed price, unless otherwise agreed, is paid no later than seven days before the start of the trip.
If the Traveller does not perform the payment in full within the period stipulated by the Contract, Program or General Conditions, it shall be considered that they have cancelled the trip, in which case the provisions of Clause XII of the General Conditions apply.
The Contract is legally enforceable not only in relation to the Traveller who formally concluded such a contract, but also in relation to other beneficiaries of the arrangement indicated in the Contract, so that advance payment, cancellation and legal consequences of cancellation apply to all Travelers indicated in the Contract. This especially refers to the prior reading of the Program and General Travel Conditions and Insurance, and it is considered that they have been delivered and accepted by all travellers from the Contract.
Upon conclusion of Contract, the Program becomes its integral part and cannot be changed, unless the contracting parties explicitly agree otherwise, or if changes occur due to force majeure.
Together with timeliness of payment, the date of payment to the account of the Organizer or Intermediary is relevant. In case of untimely payment in full, advance payment or payment of the remaining part of the arrangement payment, the Organizer can withdraw from the Contract and request reimbursement in accordance with Clause XII of General Conditions.
Payment through the website – Payment on our website can be made with payment cards – VISA, Maestro or MasterCard that support online payment. Card payment is performed in cooperation with the bank and is done in a safe and certified way by simply entering data from the payment card.
After entering the card data and confirming the payment, the bank authorizes the transaction and the amount of the contracted travel price will be deducted from the Traveller’s bank account.
When entering data about payment cards, confidential data are transmitted via public network in a protected (encrypted) form using the SSL protocol, with the use of state-of-the-art methods of tokenization of sensitive data, in accordance with PCI-DSS standards. Payment card data are not available to the Organizer at any time.
3D Secure protection for all traders and buyers uses the highest global data protection and privacy standards. Payment card numbers are not stored in the Organizer’s system, and the registration itself is protected by SSL data encryption.
PCI DSS standards – AllSecure Payment Gateway continuously meets all requirements of card organizations to increase the security level of traders and buyers. From 2005 until today, without interruption, the system has been certified as PCI-DSS Level 1, which is the highest standard in the industry. PCI Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS) is a standard that defines the necessary security measures when processing, storing and transferring sensitive card data. PCI standards protect the cardholder’s sensitive data during the entire payment process: from the moment of data entry at the trader’s point of sale, during communication between the trader and relevant banks and card organizations, as well as the subsequent storage of such data.
In case of a refund, if you previously paid with one of the payment cards, partially or in full, and regardless of the reason for the refund, the refund is made exclusively via the same VISA, Maestro or MasterCard card used for payment. This means that the bank will refund the funds to the cardholder’s account at our request.
Please note that all payments will be made in Euros (EUR). If payment is made with payment cards of foreign issuers, the total amount of transaction will be converted into the currency of the bank account, according to the current Visa/MasterCard exchange rate.
The Organizer is obliged to act with care of a good businessman, both in terms of the services they perform by themselves, and in terms of selection of persons who are entrusted with the performance of certain services.
In addition, the Organizer is obliged:
Either way, the Organizer:
Prices are published in the Travel Program and are valid from the day the Program is published. Prices are displayed in EUR.
The Traveller is obliged to pay the price as agreed. Potential complaints and objections to the quality of the services performed cannot affect the Traveller’s contractual obligation, especially in the case of paying the price in instalments, but the provisions of the clause XII of General Conditions shall be applied.
The specified price for each trip covers the costs of planning, organizing and carrying out the trip. The price of the excursion includes only the services listed in the Travel Program.
In any case, the price does not include services not explicitly stated in the Travel Program such as: vaccination fees, travel insurance, travel costs to and from the starting/return point of your trip including international flights (if not additionally paid to the Organizer to insure them), visa costs, personal equipment and personal travel expenses and all other costs that are specifically excluded in the travel description and/or invoice.
Content of the trip is set of services, described and offered in the Program, which the Organizer provides during the trip, and for which it has published a particular price for the trip. For all kinds of additional services of a specific quality that are not provided for in the Travel Program, and for which the Traveller is interested, the parties are obliged to make a separate written agreement with the Organizer, before the trip, if the Organizer is able to provide the execution of such special services.
The price does not include international or other air tickets unless it is explicitly stated in the Program. The Organizer will indicate the best available price for the requested travel dates at the time of preparing the offer. The offers are estimates only and do not constitute a firm price commitment by the Organizer or the applicable air carrier(s).
However, upon the Traveller’s request, the travel Organizer can find, reserve and include airline tickets in the Program. It should be noted that in this case the Organizer is not responsible for changes in flight times and does not give advice or warnings regarding airline tickets, flight status or delays.
Intermediary is not authorized to offer, sell and guarantee on behalf of the Organizer the special services that are not provided for in the Program, except in the case of special written confirmation from the Organizer.
Duration of the arrangement is determined by the number of calendar days, counting from the start day to the end day of the trip, and not by the number of hours between the time of departure and return.
The time of departure, arrival, as well as the duration of the trip is conditioned by the procedures at border crossings, condition of the roads, permits of the competent authorities, which the Organizer cannot influence, and therefore the stated reasons cannot be the subject of complaints by the Traveller.
Price of the arrangement is determined by the price list valid on the day of conclusion of the contract, and it is binding on the contracting parties, except in the cases provided for by law, when the Organizer can request a price increase.
The Organizer may request increase of the agreed price if, after the conclusion of the Contract, there has been a change in the currency exchange rate, or change in the carrier’s tariffs that affect the price of the trip, as well as in other cases provided for by law. The Organizer is obliged to inform the Traveller about the price increase, in writing or orally, without delay, and upon learning the reasons that led to the price increase.
Price increase of up to 10% does not require the special consent of the Traveller. If the increase in total contracted price exceeds 10%, the Traveller can terminate the contract without the obligation to pay the damages, but no later than within two days from the notification of the price increase, in which case the Traveller has the right for refund of what they paid to the travel Organizer, and within eight days from the day of delivery of the written cancellation. If the Traveller does not notify the Organizer in writing within the specified period that they are withdrawing from the contract, it is considered that the Traveller has agreed to the new price.
The Organizer is authorized at any time, depending on market trends and its own business policy, to reduce the price of the arrangement – the reduction of which only has effect in the future and has no effect on already concluded contracts; hence, it cannot be the basis of any requests to the travel Organizer for the refund of any difference in the price.
Last minute travel, or “last minute arrangement” means that the Organizer can sell the remaining travel arrangements at a lower price, as well as a certain number or type of tourist offers in advance – “first minute” travel.
Organizer occasionally has the possibility to offer some specially marked arrangements with lower prices, whereby the name of the hotel does not necessarily have to be known at the time of the conclusion of the contract. However, in this case, the Organizer guarantees for the data contained in the program, such as the category of the hotel, place of accommodation, room and service type in the hotel.
Services listed in the Program include standard services of average quality, common and specific to certain destinations, places and facilities. In case the Traveller wants some services outside the Program, a separate contract must be concluded.
The Organizer is not responsible for descriptions of services in catalogues – publications or on the websites of direct service providers (e.g. hotels, carriers, etc.), unless the Traveller has been explicitly directed to them. Organizer is only responsible for descriptions of services contained in its Programs, i.e. on its website.
Accommodation facilities and accommodation units, means of transport and other services are described according to the official categorization of domicile country at the time of publication of the Program. They are different and are not comparable by destinations, even within the same destination.
Food, comfort and quality of service depend primarily on the price of arrangement of selected destination and categorization, determined according to local-national regulations and they are beyond control and influence of the Organizer.
The start and end date of trip determined by the Program does not imply a full-day stay of the travellers in the accommodation facility, i.e. destination. Time of departure or arrival of travellers and the entry or exit of travellers from the accommodation facility is determined by procedures at border crossings, road conditions, permits from competent authorities, technical and weather conditions or force majeure, which may affect the departure time of airplanes and other means of transport which the Organizer cannot influence; therefore, the Organizer is not responsible for such cases.
The first and last day of the Program are intended for travel and do not include stay in a hotel or place of destination – but only indicate the calendar day of the start and end of the trip. Therefore, the Organizer is not responsible for evening, night or morning flights, entering the room in late evening hours, leaving the hotel in early hours of the morning. etc.
As a rule, services listed in the Travel Program do not include hotel or other accommodation services.
However, upon the Traveller’s request, the travel Organizer can find, reserve and include the mentioned services in the Travel Program. We note that in this case the Organizer is not responsible for possible changes in accommodation prices.
However, if accommodation services have been contracted, and categorization is not explicitly specified, the Traveller accepts any officially registered accommodation unit in the accommodation described in the Travel Program, regardless of characteristics, location of the building, number of floors, proximity to noise, parking and the like. If possible, the contracted accommodation can be replaced by accommodation in an object of the same or higher category, at the expense of the Traveller. The Traveller is obliged to accept a change of accommodation in another facility of the same or higher category at the agreed place. Accommodation in lower category facilities can be changed only with prior consent of the Traveller and with a refund of the difference in price proportional to the reduced accommodation category.
The Traveller is obliged to be acquainted with and respect the rules of behaviour in the accommodation facility, especially regarding: putting away and keeping money, treasures and valuables, bringing food and drinks into the rooms, respecting house rules, staying and leaving the room at a certain time, number of people in the room etc.
The Organizer is not responsible for the loss or theft of Traveller’s valuables and other belongings, nor for damage on that basis, nor for damage caused by non-compliance with legal regulations, prescribed rules and customs established by carriers and hoteliers.
The above rules and standards for accommodation apply, by analogy, to transfer and transport, as well as to the regulations, principles and rules prescribed by the carrier (e.g. transport in any means of transport does not include numerical seating or meals and drinks during the trip, unless otherwise agreed etc.).
Luggage transportation up to a certain weight determined by the air carrier is free. The Traveller pays for excess baggage according to the applicable prices of the airline company. The Traveller is obliged to take care of their own belongings brought into the means of transport, of giving or receiving luggage, as well as those brought into the accommodation facility. All the above-mentioned rights are exercised by the Traveller directly from the carrier, accommodation service provider, etc., in accordance with applicable international regulations, domestic regulations and applicable general rules.
The Traveller is responsible for obtaining necessary information and for having in their possession all the necessary documentation and identification documents required for entry and exit from Montenegro, i.e. entry and exit to another destination. This includes having a valid passport, including all visas, permits and certificates (including but not limited to vaccination certificates or medical certificates) and insurance policies.
We especially point out the fact that the Traveller must have a passport that is valid for at least 6 months after the last date of travel.
The Traveller is solely responsible for obtaining all such documents, visas and permits prior to travel, as well as for the full amount of costs incurred as a result of missing or incorrect documentation.
The Traveller is solely responsible for the full amount of any loss or expense incurred by the Organizer that is caused by the Traveller’s failure to have proper travel documents.
The Organizer does not give advice on travel documents and gives no statements or warranties as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on visas, vaccinations, climate, clothing, luggage or special equipment: Hence, the Traveller should be aware that the travel Organizer is not responsible for any errors or omissions in this information.
The Organizer can cancel the trip fully or partially, in case of the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances that could not be foreseen, avoided, or removed, and which, if they had existed at the time of publication of the program, would have been a justified reason for the Organizer not to publish the program and not receive payments.
If the trip is interrupted for these justified reasons, the Organizer has the right to compensation for the services actually provided.
The Organizer is authorized to cancel the trip in case of insufficient number of registered travellers, in accordance with the provisions of the Travel Program, about which they are obliged to inform the travellers in a timely manner, and no later than seven days before the scheduled start of the trip, with the obligation to refund the paid funds in full to the traveller, without delay, and no later than within 8 days from the day of cancellation.
Unless otherwise stated in the Travel Program, minimum number of registered travellers for traveling by bus is 35 travellers, 20 travellers in regular airlines in Europe, 15 travellers for travel in intercontinental airlines, and for travel in specially contracted charter lines, trains or hydrofoils at least 80% occupancy of their capacity.
In case of complete withdrawal from the contract, the Organizer will strive to offer the Traveller an alternative travel program for the same or another destination. The Traveller accepts or rejects this program in writing within 24 hours, in which case the parties will regulate mutual relations by contract.
The Organizer is released from the fulfilment of the Contract if a Traveller within the group travel obstructs implementation of the trip due to rude and inappropriate behavior, regardless of the issued warning. In that case, the Traveller is obliged, if they are guilty, to compensate the Organizer for the damage caused.
The Traveller has the right to cancel the trip at any time, of which he is obliged to inform the Organizer in writing. The date of written cancellation represents the basis for the calculation of compensation that, in accordance with the law, belongs to the Organizer, expressed as a percentage in relation to the total price of the trip, unless otherwise specified in the Travel Program, in the following way:
The Traveller is obliged to compensate the Organizer only for the actual, i.e. incurred, costs if the cancellation was due to circumstances that they could not foresee, remove, or avoid, and which, if they had existed at the time of the conclusion of the contract, would have been a justified reason not to conclude the contract (sudden illness of a traveller, spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of the traveller, death of the traveller, spouse, child, parent, brother or sister of the traveller). The Traveller must provide valid evidence on the occurrence of aforementioned circumstances (death certificate, proof of rights from health insurance in case of temporary inability to work, discharge list from a health care institution, etc.) and only under this condition can they request a refund of the funds paid, if they exceed actual costs of the Organizer.
Situations such as, for example, terrorist attacks, explosions, diseases, infections, epidemics, travel bans, etc. due to which a state of emergency is officially declared in the administrative area where the destination is located, at the time scheduled for the trip, for a longer time, can be considered as justified reasons for cancellation in terms of the above provision.
In the event when the Traveller who has given up, provides a suitable replacement, or the Organizer itself performs the replacement, the travel Organizer is obliged to refund the paid funds to the Traveller in the total amount, after deducting only actual and incurred expenses.
In case of withdrawal of one of the travellers – user of the arrangement, there is an obligation to pay extra, for example, for a single room, a two-bed apartment instead of a three-bed apartment, etc. – all according to the Travel Program and published price list. The change (at the request of the traveller) of the agreed place and date of travel, accommodation facility, accommodation unit, failure to obtain visa or untimely receipt of visa, etc. shall be considered the traveller’s withdrawal from the trip, in which case the provisions of clause 10 of these terms and conditions shall be applied. In case of cancellation of the contract, the Organizer does not return to the Traveller the amount paid for insurance and obtaining visa.
The Organizer has the right to modify the Travel Program, if the change is caused by extraordinary circumstances that the Organizer could not foresee, avoid or eliminate, with the fact that the costs incurred as a result of the program modification are borne by the Organizer.
Organizer reserves the right to change the day or time of travel, to extend or shorten duration of the arrangement, as well as the right to modify the sequence in the Program, if there is a change in the conditions of the flight schedule, forced landings, breakdown of transport vehicle, congestion at the borders or in traffic, security situation in a certain country, strikes that affect implementation of the program, natural disaster, closure of one of the locations planned for the tour, change in visa regime, or any other extraordinary circumstance), without the obligation to pay damages or any other compensation to the Traveller.
The above-mentioned change may occur during the realization of the trip and due to the particulars of certain destinations in relation to the calendar period (religious holidays and customs, national holidays, etc.). In this case, the Organizer is obliged, without delay, to inform the Traveller about the change, in the way that is most expedient at the given moment, with the fact that verbal notification is relevant in special circumstances (if due to lack of time it is not possible to send the notification in writing).
If the started trip is interrupted for justified reasons, the Organizer has the right to compensation for the services actually performed.
The change of contracted accommodation can only be done by using facilities of the same category or, at the Organizer’s expense, by using facilities of a higher category and in the contracted place of accommodation. Therefore, if a change in the program has occurred for the reasons and in the manner provided for by law and these General Conditions, and by offer of another facility within the limits set by law, the Organizer has fulfilled their obligation, acting in accordance with the law. Accommodation in facilities of a lower category can only be performed with the consent of the traveller, with a refund of the difference in price in proportion to the category of the accommodation facility.
The Traveller irrevocably declares that they understand that adventure travels and other travel services offered by the Organizer may involve certain health and safety risks.
By concluding a contract with the Organizer, the Traveller confirms that they have taken into account all possible health and safety risks. In this way, the Traveller assumes full responsibility for all such risks and releases the Organizer from all claims and causes of action arising from any losses, damages or injuries or deaths resulting from the risks inherent in the trip, including especially adventure travel.
The Traveller accepts that degree and nature of personal risk involved depend on the reserved service and the location where the service is provided, and that there may be a significant degree of personal risk involved in participating in physical activities, especially when participating in “extreme sports” or other high-risk activities.
The Organizer is not responsible for providing information or guidance regarding local customs, weather conditions, specific safety concerns, physical challenges or laws in force at any location where the tour or service is provided.
The Traveller confirms that they have taken into account potential risks, dangers and challenges as well as their personal abilities and needs, and explicitly declares that all assumed risks associated with traveling under such conditions.
The Traveller will have to strictly comply with all applicable laws and regulations of all countries and regions, at all times. If the Traveller does not act in accordance with the above or commits any illegal act or if, in the opinion of the travel Organizer (acting reasonably), such behaviour causes or is likely to cause danger, annoyance or material nuisance to others, the Organizer can refuse to provide the travel service at the expense of the Traveller and without any liability of the Organizer. The Traveller will not be entitled to a refund for unused or missed services or expenses incurred as a result of the cancellation of travel arrangement, including, without limitation, return travel, accommodation, meals and incidentals.
The Traveller is responsible for all costs (including repair, replacement and cleaning fees) incurred by the Organizer or its suppliers for property damage, destruction or theft caused by the Traveller during the trip. The Organizer is not responsible for the loss or theft of valuables and other things, as well as for damage on that basis, as well as for damage caused by non-compliance with legal regulations, prescribed rules and customs established by carriers and hoteliers. The Traveller is obliged to report any caused damage to the Organizer’s representative, hotel staff and carrier’s staff, as soon as possible after detection of damage.
The Traveller is obliged to take all reasonable measures for their own safety during the tour including, but not limited to, the proper use of safety devices (including seat belts, harnesses, flotation devices and helmets) and to comply with all posted signs and oral or written health and safety warnings. Neither the travel Organizer nor its associates – third parties are responsible for loss or damage caused by non-compliance with safety instructions or warnings.
The Traveller is obliged to send all complaints to the Organizer as soon as possible in order to give the Organizer the opportunity to properly resolve such a complaint. The Organizer assumes no responsibility for complaints not properly brought to the Organizer’s attention and the Organizer cannot resolve or try to resolve complaints until appropriate notification is submitted. Any complaint made after the end of the trip must be received by the Organizer in writing within 30 days from the last day of the trip of the reservation in question.
Each individual Traveller (signatory of the contract on his own behalf and on behalf of the persons from the contract) has the right to complain about the non-performed or partially performed service and is obliged to file a written, timely, reasoned reclamation with attached evidence to the travel Organizer, no later than within 8 days from the day of the end of the trip.
For objections, complaints, reclamations, assistance and emergencies, the Traveller can contact the Organizer at tel. (+382) 69/060-322 during work hours from 8.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m. (on weekdays) or at the address Bulevar Veljka Vlahovića No. 3, 81 000 Podgorica.
It is in the Traveller ‘s interest to make a complaint within the deadline so that the Organizer can consider it in detail, taking into account that the Organizer is not able to properly consider group reclamations submitted without a proper power of attorney for representation, as well as group reclamations without a factually specified complaint in relation to each user individually.
In order to eliminate potential omissions in a timely manner, it is in the interest of the Traveller to send their reclamation on the spot to the authorized representative of the Organizer or another person in charge. The reclamation must be documented by the authorized representative of the Organizer or another person in charge. If the cause of the complaint is eliminated on the spot, the Traveller signs the corresponding confirmation, otherwise, the fact that the Traveller continued using the offered services is considered to fully agree with the provided solution.
If the cause of the complaint could not be eliminated on the spot, the Traveller signs a confirmation about this, together with the Organizer’s representative, as a proof.
The Traveller cannot demand a proportional reduction in the price if they negligently and in the prescribed manner fail to inform the Organizer of a discrepancy between the contracted and provided services.
If the non-performance or incomplete performance of the services occurred due to the fault of the travel Organizer, the Traveller has the right to a reduced price in the amount of the real difference between the contracted and actually performed services.
The Organizer is obliged to respond to the received written, orderly and timely reclamation within 15 days from the day of receipt, i.e. within the same period to refund the funds in the name of price reduction, in case the complaint is justified.
If the complaint is not in order to be acted upon, the Organizer will submit a response letter to the Traveller with a request to correct it within the given deadline, under the threat of consequences for failure to do so.
It is in the interest of both contracting parties, primarily for reasons of economy and expediency, that the Traveller, until receiving a reply regarding the reclamation, does not initiate other procedures provided for by law, which is why any request by the Traveller to initiate the procedure before the competent authorities, before the expiry of the deadline for resolving complaints, will be considered premature.
The amount of the compensation, which is paid upon a well-founded and timely complaint, is proportional to the degree of non-performed or partially performed service, which means that it cannot imply and include the used services, nor reach the amount of the entire price of the arrangement.
If the Traveller accepts the payment of the compensation in the name of a proportional price reduction, or any other type of compensation, it is understood that the Traveller agrees with the Organizer’s proposal for a peaceful settlement of dispute, and in that way waives all further claims against the Organizer in connection with the disputed relationship, on any basis, regardless of the fact whether the Traveller signed a written confirmation of the refund with a clause on the final resolution of mutual disputes.
It will be considered that the refund of the price difference to the Traveller has been made and an agreement has been reached with the Traveller in accordance with the law and the General Conditions, when the Organizer offers the traveller an actual price difference for inadequately provided services, in accordance with the price list of the direct service provider that was valid on the day of the conclusion of travel contract, and other available evidence, and that the Organizer acted in accordance with positive regulations.
The Traveller is obliged to strictly obey the customs and foreign exchange regulations, both of Montenegro, as well as the regulations and laws of the countries they are passing through and in which they are staying. In the event of the impossibility of continuing the trip due to violation of the aforementioned regulations, all consequences and costs are borne by the Traveller themselves.
The Traveller is obliged to obtain from the border authorities an appropriate certificate of all their valuables and treasures that they carry, and the Traveller obliged to deposit them in the safe or at the reception of the accommodation facility at the time of accommodation.
The Traveller is obliged to confirm that they are in good health, that they are physically fit for all aspects of the trip.
If for any reason the Traveller is unable to provide this confirmation or has any health difficulties or disabilities that could affect the trip, the Traveller is required to contact the Organizer before submitting the booking form so that the Organizer can assist in considering the suitability of the trip.
By confirming the reservation, the Traveller confirms that they are in good health and are physically fit for all aspects of the trip.
If any of the personal or medical data specified in the reservation form turns out to be untrue or incomplete, the Organizer reserves the right to cancel the reservation or terminate the trip. In this situation, cancellation fees as set out in these Terms and Conditions shall apply and the Organizer shall not be liable for any costs or expenses incurred as a result.
The travel Organizer reserves the right to deny the Traveller permission to travel or participate in any aspect of the trip at any time and at its own risk and expense if the Organizer determines that the Traveller’s physical or mental condition renders the Traveller unfit for travel or that you pose a danger to yourself or others.
Pregnancy is considered a medical condition and must be disclosed to the travel Organizer at the time of booking. As tours may involve visits to remote regions where healthcare may not be readily available and may involve some risk to health and safety, the Organizer may refuse to transport women who are more than 24 weeks pregnant.
In case that the Traveller does not provide medical information that is reasonably required by the above-mentioned deadline for any reason, the travel Organizer reserves the right to cancel the reservation, in which case cancellation fees will apply.
The Traveller is responsible for assessing whether the Organizer is suitable. The tour operator does not provide medical advice, so the Traveller is responsible for assessing the risks and requirements of each aspect of the trip based on their own unique circumstances, limitations, fitness and health requirements.
Before starting the trip, it is considered that the Traveller has read and accepted the text – Waiver of Liability, which was previously delivered to them, by which the Traveller renounces and releases the Organizer and its website, its employees, agents, representatives, employees, contractors, affiliates or tour guides (hereinafter referred to as “Staff”) from liability for any and all claims, including claims arising out of or related to personal injury, illness, accident, death, loss of property or any other loss or complaint, which arise from participation in any tour, activity or event offered, conducted or promoted by the Organizer.
The Organizer does not assume any responsibility for any health care. The Traveller declares that they assume all the costs of health care and related costs during the trip.
The Traveller’s personal data present the Organizer’s business secret. The Traveller agrees that their personal data can be used by the Organizer for the realization of the contracted travel program, whereby addresses, place and time, the price of travel and the names of fellow travellers may not be communicated, except upon the approval of the traveller or at the request of competent authorities, in the procedure provided for by law, in accordance with special regulations General Terms and Conditions of Personal Data Protection.
It is strongly recommended to the Traveller to purchase travel insurance for personal injury, emergency medical expenses, cancellation, personal baggage and public liability before travel.
The Organizer accepts no responsibility for loss or damage to personal belongings or responsibility for personal injury/death.
The Organizer can provide insurance upon request, at some of the insurance companies in Montenegro, which are our partners. The request for insurance should be submitted within a reasonable time before the trip.
Insurance is not included in the price of any trip offered by the Organizer.
Oral information and any other type of information, which differ from those contained in the contracted written Travel Program, do not bind the travel Organizer.
In case of any dispute and request that arises between the Traveller and the Organizer, current Montenegrin laws will be applied.
In addition, any potential dispute between the Organizer and the Traveller will be resolved by Montenegrin courts.
The data contained on the website and in other advertising materials of the Organizer are considered correct at the time of publication. However, errors may occasionally occur and information may subsequently change. Therefore, the Traveller must check all the details of the selected trip (including the price) at the time of booking.
Travel Agency “Gold Travel” d.o.o. Podgorica is officially licensed by the Ministry of Tourism of Montenegro for the provision of travel services.
(license code: 018-330/22-7614/3;
license number: 607)
The Organizer is not responsible for shortcomings, material and physical damage in individual tourist services, at the request of the Traveller, for which the Organizer is only an intermediary between the Traveller and direct service providers (e.g. individual accommodation service, transportation, tickets for sports events, excursions, rent-a-car and others).
Services upon request are selected and paid on the spot during the tour to the tour Organizer or the group guide. In case of unused services in the hotel, due to the use of Services upon request, the Traveller is not entitled to a refund in that part.
The Organizer reserves the right to update or change the General Travel Conditions at any time. The Organizer will publish the amended General Travel Conditions on the website:
All changes and additions enter into force the next day after they are published at the Organizer’s website.
You can access the current text of the General Conditions, with amendments, at any time at the Organizer’s website, and they will be delivered by e-mail at the written request of the Traveller.
It is considered that the Traveller has accepted all amendments to the General Conditions on the date that is one day later than the publication on the Organizer’s website.
The Organizer recommends that General Conditions should be reviewed before the trip so that the Traveller is familiar with the current version.
By booking a tour, participating in a tour or using any related service offered by the travel Organizer, you confirm that you fully understand and agree to the text of the “Waiver of liability”.
Waiver of liability: By signing this statement, I personally, my proxies and representatives, as well as my heirs, waive all claims for compensation of damages and all claims on any basis against the Travel Agency “Gold Travel” d.o.o. Podgorica (hereinafter: Agency), and I release the Agency, its representatives, employees and agents (hereinafter: Staff) from responsibility for any and all claims arising from compensation for damages based on personal injuries, illnesses, accidents, death, loss of property or any other loss caused by participation in any tour, activity or event offered, conducted or promoted by the Agency (hereinafter: Activity).
Assumption of risk: By signing this statement, I knowingly, willingly and voluntarily assume all risks associated with the activity in which I participate or attend.
Specific risks include, but are not limited to, the following:
My health condition includes, but is not limited to the following:
Indemnification: I hereby declare that I will indemnify and protect the Agency and its staff from any and all claims, actions, suits, proceedings, costs and liabilities, including attorneys’ fees, arising as a result of my participation in activities conducted by the Agency, and that I will indemnify the Agency and its staff all such expenses.
Publication of photos and videos: I agree that the Agency may publish the photos, videos and audio recordings that I recorded during the activity without my specific permission, without payment or any other compensation.
Acknowledgment: I irrevocably declare that I have carefully read the “Waiver of liability” text and that I fully understand it, and that I understand that I am waiving important rights, including my right to initiate court proceedings. | © MM HUB